3. Ketetampilan Khusus (Specific Skills)
KK.01 | Mampu menilai dan menganalisis kondisi kendaraan berdasarkan informasi dari konsumen dan data servis yang ada. | Able to assess and analyze the vehicle condition based on information from consumers and services data available. |
KK.02 | Mampu merumuskan hasil analisis kondisi kendaraan dalam sebuah perintah kerja (service order). | Able to formulate the results of analysis of the vehicle condition in a service order. |
KK.03 | Mampu mengembangkan pekerjaan dengan menggali permasalahan berdasarkan data dan fakta pada kendaraan yang ditangani. | Able to develop the work by digging a problem based on data and facts of vehicles handled. |
KK.04 | Mampu mengestimasi biaya servis. | Able to estimate the vehicle service costs. |
KK.05 | Mampu memastikan kebenaran pekerjaan servis. | Able to ensure the correctness of vehicle service works. |
KK.06 | Mampu melaksanakan prosedur Maintenance-Repair-Overhaul (M-R-O) kendaraan dari beragam metode secara profesional. | Able to carry out the procedure Maintenance-Repair-Overhaul (M-R-O) by various methods in a professional manner. |
KK.07 | Mampu menggunakan dan merawat service equipment secara tepat dan aman. | Able to use and maintain service equipment correctly and safely. |
KK.08 | Mampu mengembangkan technical skill dengan beragam metode. | Able to develop technical skill by variety methods. |
KK.09 | Mampu melaksanakan pengujian berbagai macam tipe kendaraan dengan beragam metode, menganalisis hasil uji, dan membandingkannya dengan standar yang ditentukan untuk membuat keputusan. | Able to carry out of various vehicle testings with various methods, analyze test results, and compare them with prescribed standards for making decisions. |
KK.10 | Mampu mengelola workshop dengan pelayanan terstandar dan taat asas (kebijakan, lingkungan, sosial, dan finansial). | Able to manage the workshop with standardized servicesand adhere to the principles (policy, environmental, social, and financial). |
KK.11 | Mampu menginovasi teknologi otomotif yang mengarah pada peningkatan efisiensi (material, energi, dan biaya). | Able to carry out innovative automotive technologies that lead to increasing efficiency (material, energy, and cost). |
Lanjut ke halaman berikutnya: Pengetahuan (Knowledge)